Detoxification means the process of metabolizing toxins to make them less harmful or reducing toxic exposure to the body. Toxins come in all forms. Some we make, like ammonia from the breakdown of proteins, and some we are exposed to. The EPA’s National Human Adipose Tissue Study in 1982 showed that all over the country, people tested positive 100% of the time for dangerous solvents like styrene, benzene, and xylene. The body wants to safely metabolize and remove toxins in the body in order to retain balance. The major organs that are involved in this detox process include the liver, the intestines, the bladder, the lungs, and the skin. Many common symptoms that people experience in our society, such as headaches, bloating, gas, migraines, arthritis, fatigue, mood problems, acne, constipation, insomnia, and obesity can be related to the suboptimal functioning of these organs. Support your body's detox abilities with the following simple tasks:
1. Support your digestive tract by eating anti-inflammatory foods like fresh and steamed vegetables, whole fruits, seeds and sprouts, whole grains that are non-gluten, fish oils and plant oils (olive, flax, borage, black currant), free-range turkey and chicken, non-farm-raised fish, and legumes. The colored pigments in fruits and vegetables supply valuable phytochemicals that serve as antioxidants. Eat from the rainbow daily, getting at least six servings of colored foods in your diet. And, be sure to chew your food well until it liquefies before swallowing.
2. Supply health gut bugs (aka probiotics ) that will assist in the detoxification of heavy metals like cadmium and assist in the supply of important nutrients involved in detoxification, like B vitamins.
3. Do dry skin brushing before you bathe to support lymphatic movement.
4. Support circulation through the liver and lymphatic vessels with hydrotherapy, which is the simple practice of alternating hot and cold water in the shower or bath, and walk 30 minutes daily.
5. Apply castor oil packs to your belly to aid digestion. Traditional medicine hails castor oil packs as very healthy promoting for your liver. And don't forget liver-loving herbs like tumeric, dandelion leaf and root, and milk thistle.
6. Breathe deeply 100 times daily.
7. Stay well hydrated (2 liters of pure water/day for most people) to support the kidneys' filtration of your blood.
8. Laugh and cry regularly to support your healthy elimination of emotions.